It's Spring!! Get outside!


Last week was one of those weeks where I needed to go for a long drive and a long hike. Do you ever feel like that? It's Spring now, so the urge to be outdoors more is paramount. I couldn’t sit still and longed to be away from my home office for the day - clear the mind, soak in some sunshine, and just be… But I wasn’t totally alone, I had Mr. Shadow with me, ready to explore! We smelled some flowers and sat in a breeze in the middle of some yellow wildflowers with a view of the Pacific. It was so refreshing!“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air.  --EmersonWedding season is gearing up again (time flys!) and this was just what I needed! (Shadow is still fast asleep from this road trip!)Sending love + sunshine XO001_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography 002_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography 003_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography 006_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography 005_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography004_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography 008_charmlee_nature_malibu_wildflower_photography